vineri, 18 iunie 2010


Tomorrow I will leave the internet =)) I go a week at my grandparents, a place devoid of civilization:))
So until next week I will not have any new post.
But pink promise I will come back with a lot of pictures of new things made by me (earrings, shirts or more).
\Anyway thank you very much for reading my blog and I hope you really like it. I will not disappoint you. So kiss you, I love you and meet with new material next week.

♥ ♥ ♥

P.s Thank you Vanessa because you are my favourite reader and not at all, thank for all the messages on the Internet and on the phote with Happy B-Day. Love you friends !!

♫ And a little song :D

Bye , bye :*

New shirt and earrings.

If today is my birthday, this doesn`t mean that I don`t have a new post.

One of my friend send me this song, I think is very funny :)) Thank you.

The pinky earrings made with my new modeling . Issa-Bell wrote on a part of earring and on the other are two ladies drawn as on the T-shirt.

This is the back of shirt.

And on the front is a sign with "I is from Issa"
Click on the image to make it bigger.

The beginning is here.

I have a new textil colour, magenta. (I love this colour)

And my new cut jeans.

I must add that the shirt and the earrings are for my class-mate Issabel .

joi, 17 iunie 2010

New earrings;

Today I finally managed to buy clay for modeling. Now I can make cute earrings and brooches in any kind of pattern. I also bought a new textile paint, purple. I found some accessories and some nice beads for earrings.
Tomorrow is my B-DAY !!!!!!
I want a cake like this =))


These are my new black&white earrings.
Happy-Sad earrings.

These will be the earrings for someone. I must paint on it.

miercuri, 16 iunie 2010

Love is soo confusing there`s no peace of mind

Versace Spring-Summer 2010

Tomorrow my post will be with new earrings and probably a new handmade T-shirt.

Colectia Versace primavara/vara 2010 pare ca o poveste, nu degeaba fiind inspirata din “Alice in tara minunilor”. Este o colectie a tinerilor, clasica, feminina, colorata, plina de viata, ca o primavara perfecta! Colectia pentru Primavara-Vara 2010 reuneste rafinamentul alaturi de delicatete si naturalete.
Donatella Versace a folosit in colectie printuri cu motive geometrice, culori vesele pastelate ce te fac sa visezi la frumos si vestimentatii cu linii foarte provocatoare.

Colectia a fost compusa din rochii de club sau cockteil , vestimentatii de zi si rochii de seara lungi, din materiale fluide. Multe dintre rochiile si fustele casei de moda lasa sa se vada dincolo de voal, matase sau orice alt material vaporos, in timp ce, la polul opus, latura glam a liniei a fost infatisata prin aparitia rochiilor stralucitoare, indraznete, provocatoare.

luni, 14 iunie 2010

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